My deadline should have ‘a deadline’ of its own for me to finish a task on time! I have a tendency of postponing things to the last minute, I feel I need to have that ‘stress’ factor to get things done. There is a term for people like me, which is ‘procrastinator’- someone who postpones work (especially out of habitual carelessness). In my school years I didn’t get in too much trouble for this habit, as I knew I could get by with the last minute study, or brush up on my papers; I would always get out of any situation – no matter how dire the situation was. Don’t think I never promised myself to do work more sensibly when I survived with minimal sleep and lots of cramming at the last minute, the pain was temporary especially followed by ‘mediocre’ grades, but I would end up doing the same thing– which was doing things at the last minute again!
But that was then and this is now, I have a toddler in the equation, who doesn’t always understand why his mother has to do the things at the last minute, because he usually has plans of his own and likes to abide by his own rules. By the time he decides to quit or sleep, I am ready to retire as well…So, I asked few of my ‘procrastinator’ friends what do they do to get things done on time; one friend said, she usually procrastinate when the work is related to her personal life, but doesn’t procrastinate when it is office related work, , she doesn’t know how that works ‘psychologically’ but it just works that way for her. Another friend said, if she knows she has a meeting at nine next morning for instance, she would mentally tell herself she has the meeting at eight, and get there on time! So, everyone has their own way of dealing with their procrastination, and since I started talking to my friends about this, I realized that many of us suffer from and for this habit, I felt we should be focusing on what can we do to overcome the habit and enjoy life then dreading about that never-ending ‘to-do’ lists which needed our attention yesterday. I know there are many out there who are the  ‘the successful ones’ – the ones who are no longer procrastinators, and knows the simple steps that helped them to manage their life as desired. So, I would hope you – our readers would be candid with your suggestions, and tell us what works for you and help us break the habit and tell us how should we get organized for good.