* in search of creative unity through dance
Adhunika Foundation Proudly Presents
“In Search of Creative Unity Through Dance”
Sunday, July 18, 2010
6:00pm – 8:00pm
Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater
405 W. 55th Street (at 9th Avenue), 5th Floor
New York, NY
We cordially invite you to a unique dance performance by legendary performer Lubna Marium, along with some of the best performers of Bangladesh. If you are a dance enthusiast, this will be rare opportunity to be part of an enchanting evening, filled with creativity and passion.
Performers include the talented – Samina Husain Prema, Anisul Islam Hero, Mahbub Reza Mithun, Tahmina Anwar Anika, Mehraj Haque Tushar & Mehbooba Mahnoor Chandni.
Dance Performances will include: Manipuri, Rabindranritya, Lathikhela & Dhol Naach, Raibeshe, Folk Dance of Bengal, Fusion Dance, Kathak & Bharatnatyam.
To Purchase tickets visit: http://lifethroughdance.eventbrite.com/
Early Bird: $20 (by July13)
Regular Admission: $25
We look forward to seeing you there.
ABOUT THE PERFORMERS (in alphabetical order):
ANISUL ISLAM HERO: He is a disciple of Padmasree Leela Samson and one of the finest exponents of Bharatnatyam in Bangladesh. He runs his own dance organization ‘Srishti Cultural Center’ and has innumerable performances at home and abroad to his credit. Hero has studied Martha Graham and Horton techniques from Fabiana Pastorini (Argentine) and Ballet techniques from Klaous from Germany at International Summer Ballet Seminar in Austria in 1995. He has worked with noted German choreographer Suzzane Linke contemporary of Pina Baush.Learnt Modern dance and modern choreography at Bremar Tanz theater,Bremen in Germany in 1996. There Hero learnt ballet techniques as well. After that, Srishti brought Mr.Die Camp, choreographer from Berlin to conduct workshops. Since then Anisul Islam Hero has introduced Modern/Contemporary in Bangladesh. Besides Bharatnatyam, Hero has been teaching and performing modern dance at home and abroad.
LUBNA MARIUM: She is the General Secretary, ‘Shadhona – A Center for Advancement of Southasian Dance and Music’, is a dancer/researcher/writer. Though a dancer, Lubna’s artistic endeavors have taken a path beyond the rituals of artistic expression and entered the realms of a search for Creative Unity. She has traveled from her early training in an avant-garde style of dance taught at Bulbul Lalit Kala Academy of Dhaka, in the early sixties, to later train in Bharatnatyam and Manipuri; ultimately finding refuge in Robindro Nritto, a fusion of dance styles promulgated under the inspired guidance of the Poet Laureate Rabindranath Tagore. She has taken up the study of Sanskrit and has studied the Natyasastra under Dr. Radhavallabha Tripathi. For the last two decades she has also been working tirelessly in promoting music, dance and indigenous performing arts of Southasia through her organization ‘Shadhona’.
MAHBUB REZA MITHUN: He is a fourth year undergraduate student at the Department of Music in Dhaka University, Bangladesh. His educational focus is on folk music and theater. He has learned raibeshe and its percussion accompaniment during workshops with Tarun Pradhan. Mithun is also learning folk dance and Bharatanatyam under M.R. Wasek in Nandan Kala Kendra in Bangladesh. He has participated in several dance‐drama productions, and performs frequently as part of dance groups sent abroad by the Bangladeshi government. Besides playing South Asian percussion instruments such as the dhol, khol and tabla, he can also play the harmonium and harmonica.
MEHBOOBA MAHNOOR CHANDNIi: She has created a special place in the vibrant entertainment world of Bangladesh. She was trained in Bharatanatyam, modern and Bangladeshi dance under Hero, moved to doing plays in the TV and now is an acclaimed actress in the silver screen. But Chandni remains, as will be seen, an exquisite performer in all kinds of dance. She has widely travels abroad as a dancer and earned a good name.
MEHRAJ HAQUE TUSHAR: He received his early training in Kathak from Shamim Ara Nipa and Shibli Mohammad of Nrityanchal. He continues to perform for them but also does work for most of the major dance companies and schools of Bangladesh. Tushar, too, is the recepient of several awards. He has played Krishna in Shadhona’s production of Tagore’s ‘Bhanushingher Podaboli’ which was very well received during the inaugural of ICCR’s Rabindranath Tagore Center in Kolkata. Tushar excels in a fusion of styles which gives Bangladeshi dancing a contemporary edge.
SAMINA HUSAIN PREMA: She started her training in Manipuri dance in Bangladesh under Shantibala Sinha, Tamanna Rahman & Sharmila Banerjee at Chhayanaut Sangeet Vidyayatan. She has a master’s degree in Manipuri dance from Rabindra Bharati University of Kolkata, India, and trained under Guru Kalavati Devi. Prema participated in classes and workshops on various folk dances of Bengal. Significantly, she was part of a group of dancers, lead by Tarun Prodhan, who learned about raibeshe during a month‐long stay in Medinipur, in rural Bengal. Currently she is a Manipuri dance teacher at Chhayanaut, and performs frequently in Bangladesh and India. She is the founder and director of the dance group Bhabna, and made her directorial debut with a production of Tagore’s dance‐drama Bhanushingher Padaboli.
TAHMINA ANWAR ANIKA is the disciple of Munmun Ahmed. She is presently training under Pandit Kishan Mohan Misra of Delhi. Tahmina has received several awards. She is one of the brightest rising star of dance in Bangladesh. Anika’s performance in Delhi for an ICCR event in December 2009 was much appreciated by the media and art lovers of the city. Her performance in ‘Hey Ananta Punya’, a dance‐drama based on Tagore’s ‘Notir Puja’, produced by Shadhona received special mention by critics.