
Welcome to the Adhunika Blog.

I thought I’d get started with the round of introductions to aquaint our readers with who their Adhunika Bloggers are.

My name is Naina Shehzeen Ahmad, and I was born and brought up in Dhaka, Bangladesh. I came to the US in the fall of 1999 to go to college in Cambridge, MA. I graduated in college in 2003, in Biology and Chemical Engineering, and I am currently in graduate school, working towards a PhD in Biology.

My favorite hobby is to potter about in the kitchen, wrecking havoc. Other than that, I have been known to drive people crazy with my overzealous camera-happy presence.

Throughout my college years, and to date, I try to stay in touch with prospective students and applicants, providing general advice and guidance to help alleviate some of the uncertainty and anxiety of applying to US colleges. My involvement with the Education section in the Adhunika Blog will be a natural extension.

Initially, I’d like to start the Education section with guidelines about college admissions to the US, and eventually follow up with more specific information about applying to graduate programs and professional training programs. The actual direction of the category will eventually be dictated by what you, the readers, would like to read about, and what kind of questions you want answered. So please feel free to leave us questions and inquiries as comments to the posts.

The success of the blog will be greatly determined by how active you, our readers, are. So come back often, and participate in the discussions. We envision this to be an enriching mentoring experience for us, as well as a fun forum for all of us to share our thoughts and ideas.

About this blog

Adhunika blog is launched with a mission to share knowledge among women from every walk of life. Sometime it would be in the form of sharing experience to find a feasible solution of a problem; sometime it would be in the form of professional consultation, which Adhunika group will arrange for its bloggers. Nevertheless, the intent of this blog always remains the same - to help and empower women through a common web-based more



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