A Year At Adhunika Blog
A year ago, the adhunika blog was merely an idea, after 365 days, 9 dedicated bloggers, 63 posts within 17 categories, 310 comments and 43291 visitors later this is what we would like to share with our readers:
Comment from a regular participant:
Nazia Hussein from Bangladesh:
Since I first visited adhunika, I always wanted to join the team. I do plan to write regularly & look forward to become a team member in the future.
I hope many other’s like me will be participating & contributing to the knowledge base of adhunika.
Comments from the Guest Bloggers:
Nadia Huq from USA:
I got introduced to adhunika in July by my friend Faika. I always wanted to do something for women in Bangladesh and share my experiences, value, and friendship with other Bangladeshi women. Different stories has touched and inspired me. We come from different walks of life yet we are all connected in similar ways. I am proud to be part of adhunika. I look forward on sharing and writing more stories.
Selina Huq from USA:
I am very proud to be a part of adhunika team. When I first joined adhunika, my idea was to help with the fund-raising aspect of the organization. In less than few months I was encouraged by Shahnaz to write articles on education. This was challenging experience for me, because I had never written articles for blog before. I believe that adhunika will empower and help not only Bangladeshi women in Bangladesh, but also women all around the world.
Naina Shehzeen Ahmed from USA:
I’ve always been a huge proponent of mentorship programs and the rewarding experience of learning from discussion and exchange of ideas. Since graduation from college, I have sought out various volunteering opportunities where I could try to implement these type of advice-oriented forums for those who are trying to learn, experience, and succeed. A good friend of mine pointed me to adhunika – a unique platform for women of Bangladesh, where technology, information and education are considered to be the main answers to social justice and equality, human rights and sustainable economic development.
I joined adhunika primarily because of the team of volunteers – they were passionate, realistic, and committed, and I wanted to work with them to draw from their strength and inspiration to guide me in my own professional development. I wanted to reach out to students and young women with questions and try to provide information, guidance, inspiration and encouragement.
This is why the adhunika blog appealed to me so much. Where else could I find a platform to reach out and initiate a stimulating exchange of ideas among groups of women who share my concerns and my questions, yet who come up with answers and solutions drawing from their own unique, diverse backgrounds and experience base?
Even though I have not been active during the latter half of this year because of work commitments, I look forward to jumping straight back from the coming year. My involvement with the organization has been way more rewarding and educational than I can summarize in a few lines and I’d like to share that warm, fuzzy feeling with all those who visit adhunika.
Comments from the Community bloggers:
Sharmin Banu from USA:
Since we started adhunika blog in January this year, we have always been encouraging other women to participate in our blog. Whenever we saw some great comments we invited them to write more for us. I “met” a few great people thru this (yes, Nazia you are one of them).
Not to mention I have some of my best friends here in adhunika. We have a great team in here. And girls, don’t forget to invite others in your network. Looking forward to seeing more enthusiastic women joining us in near future. Feel free to let us know how we can do better.
Ishret Shimu from USA:
It feels great to be part of the adhunika team. We were all very excited to launch the blog and we still are very excited (even more) to see how much we grew in just about a year!
I always get positive feedback about the blog from many of my friends (around the world). Hearty thanks to all the readers/bloggers. It sure feels great to be able to connect with others who share similar thoughts and are passionate about women moving forward.
Ferdous Oneza from USA:
I feel great when I can connect with people through similar values and thoughts! I have never felt more connected with so many girls as I do now through adhunika blog. On our courses of discussion in the blog, we have had differences in opinions, constructive arguments and yet they all have tied us together.
Faika Farzana from USA:,
Adhnunika has been a great initiative in bringing together diverse voices from all around the globe. I am very glad that I got to be a part of this adventure and it has been very exciting to see how adhunika has grown in leaps and bounds since the beginning of this year.
I am sure all of us have benefited from hearing each other’s voices and ideas whether we were in agreement or on opposite sides of the discussion topic. Adhunika is all about creating awareness and empowerment and I am a strong believer in dialogue as paving the path of this process.
And myself – Shahnaz from USA:
This is the best place to be. I couldn’t have asked for a better team, talent and energy that inspire me to thrive more from life. Considering few of ˜us” – the team members never met in real life, but we work on daily basis with each other based on similar passion and beliefs; so thank you team for being who you are. And thank you readers/bloggers for participating regularly, you inspire us to write that ˜next topic”. Be with us, participate more, join us and tell us how we can do better.
Wish you all a happy new year, may 2007 bring you peace and joy.
On behalf of adhunika blog team