* irene z. khan:
Inspiration for Bangladeshi Women.
2006 Sydney Peace Prize awarded to Irene Z. Khan:
Learn more: http://www.sydneypeacefoundation.org.au/news.shtml
Inspiration for Bangladeshi Women.
2006 Sydney Peace Prize awarded to Irene Z. Khan:
Learn more: http://www.sydneypeacefoundation.org.au/news.shtml
Adhunika blog is launched with a mission to share knowledge among women from every walk of life. Sometime it would be in the form of sharing experience to find a feasible solution of a problem; sometime it would be in the form of professional consultation, which Adhunika group will arrange for its bloggers. Nevertheless, the intent of this blog always remains the same - to help and empower women through a common web-based platform....read more